Thursday, August 27, 2009

Suprise visitors and first day of School Cookies

We could not have had a more exciting week. Last Saturday night we got a call that our good friends Annette and Sterling Elliot were passing through. If Seattle is on the way from Texas to Houston? Maybe they detoured a little but we were so happy they did. They were going to just stay one night but then ended up spending most of the week with us. Sterling helped Bret put a lift kit on his Jeep, We took a day trip out to Pompey's Pillar ( A Clark & Lewis National park and Monument)and Annette helped me run errands and get Faith ready for her first day of school.

These are the Now traditional first day of School Choclate Chip Cookies, This time we had M&M ones.

1 comment:

Susan said...

It's so nice to photos of Annette, tell her hi for me!