No, that would not be me but my mom. She is an incredible artist. Can you believe she did this in one afternoon and then finished it up the next morning. Both my parents came up to Billings the day after Christmas to see us, and somehow Faith got it in her head that grandma was going to paint a Castle on her wall. So that was the first thing that came out of her mouth when grandma arrived ( well that and the fact that she thought we were going to celebrate Hanukkah-Christmas was over so she thought that was next). So grandma (the optimists) said why not, Let's go get some paints. So off to the paint store we went. And then not only did the girls get a Castle but the princesses as well. Lucky girls.
We have an on going theme in our house. Because of the girl's hair colors being blond, brunette, and red they have labeled themselves accordingly to the princess, Allie is Cinderella, Lindsay is Bell and Faith is Ariel. This was their costumes for Halloween. They each have dolls accordingly, and if they are coloring they make sure they have the princess they actually believe they are. It is not uncommon either for them to introduce themselves to strangers as Bell, Cinderella and Ariel. For now I think it is enduring after all how long can a little girl believe she really is a princess before the world tries to convince her otherwise.
While my folks were here my Dad put up a shelf in my laundry room, and took the girls for 4-wheeler rides (Daddy's new Christmas present) It was freezing outside, but the kids did not seem to mind, All but faith, Jace kept wanting to go back for more and finally fell asleep in Dads arms while riding around. He was almost frozen. We really enjoyed my parents visit and loved having them all to ourselves, sounds selfish, but it is different when they visit us, there were less distracitons for them and I hope they were able to enjoy themselves!!!! We sure did!
She is truly talented.
WOW!! Your mom did an awesome job!! And even before I read that your girls labeled themselves. I thought, "Hey, those princesses look just like the girls!"
How is baby Austin doing? I must see some pictures of him!!!
your mom is truly talented!!
Your mom is a great artist! How fun. Your family picture turned out great. We also enjoyed your newsletter, it was great to hear from y'all. Don't freeze in MT - the summer will be awesome!
WOW, It turned out absolutely amazing. That is such a memory. We love ya and it was good to see you this last weekend. Can't wait for the wedding :) to see the whole fam
Wow, I'm impressed! I'll have to see what I can do to talk her into painting a wall for me, how much does she charge? I think I'll be able to go to Whitneys reception after all. See you there!
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