Saturday, April 4, 2009

Surprise Phone Call

This is Wendy's husband Bret making an entry. I have been in Turnaround at the Refinery and haven't seen much of Wendy or the kids this past month. This past Wednesday I got a surprise phone call from Faith. She used to call me all the time in Louisiana, but this was the first time calling me on my cell since we moved to Montana. She started off saying, "Daddy, I have a secret to tell you" and not knowing what it was, I quietly stepped out of my meeting. Then she went on to tell me that "Mommy is pregnant!" I wasn't sure what to say or think and before my mind started to spin too fast, she quickly followed up by saying "April Fools". I must admit she got me on that one. I could hear Wendy in the background just laughing. Everyone at the Plant knows we have 5 kids under 5, so after I shared my surprise phone call, they all responded saying "Now that was a good one." Nice to see my kids have a little humor in them.


Andrea said...

Oh my!! That was a good one!! Faith is too cute!! We sure do miss you guys!!

Marc and Letty said...

me encanta la broma de Faith, si que la hiso buena ja ja ja ja ja ja..... estube mirando las otras fotos y ese bebe como crese esta enorme, no podia creer que tanto tiempo a pasado y el sa s puede sentar y esta comiendo comida, es hermoso poder ver como cambian, lo malo es que es tan rapido que no es suficiente tiempo como para disfrutarlo lo suficientes. y tus hijas se ven cada ves mas grandes.

Los extranamos..Cuidense...

gwen said...

hahahaha ohh gosh, that is TOOO funny!
