Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Card Fun

Here was the attempt at our Christmas Card photo. Faith was crying because it was so cold outside, Allie had just woken up, and Buddy was not cooperating. Stay tuned to the mail to see the final results. We are hoping to get them in the mail sometime this week.

-18 degrees

This is a picture of our house this morning. When we woke the temperature was -18F, the High today was -8, Can I say Freeeeeezing!!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sunday November, 30

Austins Blessing

While in Utah we decided to Bless Austin, Sunday morning, inside my parents home. It turned out to be a Beautiful event. Both my Grandmas were there as well as many family and our good friends the Porters and the Churchs. It was the first of my children to be blessed with so many family around. I was touched by there support and love. Bret gave the blessing, it was very beautiful. I was reminded of the special spirits that have been sent to our home. It is such an awsome responsiblity to raise them.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Breakfast at home

Here is our first meal as a family in our new home. The day after my sister brought my girls up to Montana. we fixed pancakes and sasage for breakfast. Ummm Good!!!

Settling in.

Wow, so much has happened since I last posted, Life just went in fast forward motion for me, I like being busy but then life seems to go by too quickly when that happens.

Well we are now settled in our home in Montana. Sort of, all the boxes are unloaded, but I am still working on getting everyting in it's correct place, which is taking me much longer than I ever expected. Not sure if it is due to the 3 stories which we now occupy,or if it is due to the newborn baby that I am constantly holding while trying to work one handed. Whatever the reason I am sure I will be back on top of things in about....ah..maybe give me 6 months. I am allowing myself some time to just look out my back window and let the snow covered trees remind me of where I am. We often see deer in the backyard and have a pet rabbit that lingers on the south side of the home. It is like a childhood dream. I had always dreamed of living in Montana as a child and I quess I am trying to let the reality set in.

The girls are adjusting well. Not hard for them to make friends. And they have loved spending time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was so lovely spending Thanksgiving at my Moms house with her side of the family. It was a big crowd and lots of food that brought back memories. I especially enjoyed listening to my brother play the guitar and sing Christmas songs, a tradition we have to sit down after the meal and let the food digest while listening to him. He is so talented. The girls were able to ride the 4 wheelers and feed the horses apples. Jace loved the horses and Grandma gave him his first horsy ride.

Now it is on to Christmas Season. and we are back in our New Home. I am enjoying listening to Christmas Music and we hung the tree a couple of days ago. I impressed myself that we could even get to the Christmas tree box, burried in the mass of boxes downstairs, we found most of the ordaments. It is one of the first Christmas's in awhile that we can decorate the tree all the way to the bottom. Jace is old enough not to touch and the baby cannot pull them off yet! It looks really nice, if you like the look of clumped up ordaments in spots here and there, due to a 3 year olds eye for decorating, but I left it to remind me of their excitment for the season.

As I try to stay focused this year on the reason for the season I'll leave you with a quote.

"I would that ye remember that every good gift cometh of Christ." Moroni,10:18

Monday, November 10, 2008


This is for you Kristen>>>

8 TV shows that I watch
What??? I have 5 kids five and under, tell my husband we need cable!

8 things that happened yesterday

1. attended church
2. Ate some yummy Jambalaya at the Young's house
3. said goodbye to friends
4. changed diapers, calmed baby Austin
5. took a Nap!!!!!
6. Took a shower for that matter and shaved my legs!!!
7. Gave my Hubby a kiss
8. called my sister Marie to check on my girls

8 things I look forward to

1.Being settled in our new house
2. Home for Thanksgiving
3. Home for Christmas
4. Skiing again
5. Starting my exercise program
6. My kids spending time with Grandpa
7. Austins Baby Blessing
8. Austin Sleeping through the night.

8 things on my wish list.

1. More time with my extended family
2. Being more perseptive of others needs (charity)
3. Daddy home for dinner every night at 6pm
4. A maid (paid for of course)
5. Live in sitter that loves my kids as much as Alanna or Sara Beth
6. Meeting a real great girlfriend in Montana
7. Children that grow up with Faith, Testimonies and love for the Lord.
8. Free sky miles to fly anytime I want back to Louisiana. or anywhere for that matter

8 favorite places to eat

1. D'Angelos
2. Texas Roadhouse
3. Cold Stone
4. Terra Cottas
5. Red Lobster
6. Paradise Smoothie
7. Taggerts
8. Bret's BBQ

Friday, November 7, 2008

More of Austin

Just a few more pictures of my beautiful baby boy. these last 2 weeks have been crazy, crazy, We had a house full of family, 3 grandmas, 1 grandpa, my family and packers and movers! Then Bret had to take off for meeting in Billings and left us to the final tasks. I was trying to not overdue it. (after a 3rd C-section) but i am not the stand by and watch kinda girl. It was hard but I did have some wonderful grandmas trying to slow me down. They were a huge help. Keeping the kids ocupied, and organizing the home. Grandma Carrie bonded with the baby, I would feed Austin and then almost everytime she was right there to burb him and hold him if he was fussy. Austin will really miss her. Austin does not realize yet that he has to share mommy with 4 other children. The girls have been really sweet sisters, but I have to admit Jace is by far the most protective. He loves loving on his brother and lets me know every time Austin is crying. Very sweet.

My little gymnasts

ok so for those of you who do not know my girls, they are always in Ballet or gymnastic leotards. Lindsay wore one all summer long refusing to take it off for bed time and wore it under her dresses to church. She wore it everywhere!!! finally we broke her from the habit of wearing one but entered the phase of her carring it every where she went like a blankie. Thus many of the pictures you have seen of the girls including the one in the blog header are of the girls in the leotards.

Last week was there last day of gymnastics class before we move. They have had a wonderful time in there little class and we hope to be able to find something fun for them to do in Montana. The are both very active girls and need the exercise...

Happy Halloween

Check out the cool lips my grandma brought the kids, They were a huge hit!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

We love our Grandmas

My mom and Grandma arrived last Saturday, the kids have not seen them for more than six months, but you would never know it. Lindsay quickly found Grandmas bed during the night looking for someone to sleep with. She has been her little shadow since. They are all enjoying them so much, especially me. Wow, what big help, I couldn't do it without them. Today they are home making sugar cookies while I finish up my rest at the Hospital. If all goes well I will get my staples taken out tomorrow and then head home for the rest of the recovery.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Austin Brent has arrived

Austin arrived at 8:00 am on Tuesday October 21st, Healthy and beautiful. Mommy is doing great. Because of being in the freezing operating room so long durring the c-section my temperature lowered to 93%, It took a good couple of hours for it to get back up to 98%. I supose that leaving the center core of you body open to that cold air can have that kind of affect on you.
The Grandmas brought the twins and Jace up around 3:00 for a visit, Lindsay had a suitcase full of clothes, she would not let go of it all day waiting to come to the hospital. Grandma said she even napped with it. Allie brought a blanket we had purchased earlier for Austin (as seen in picture). They were all so excited to see their baby brother. As for Faith,I was totally freeked out when grandma told me she did not get off the bus and so we called the school and sure enough she was waiting for Daddy. She refused to get on the bus to come home because somehow she got it in her head that Daddy was going to pick her up in a car to go and see the baby. I do not know how she convinced the teacher of that. (very persuasive little girl)

I am going to enjoy another day in the Hospital. It is odd being so quiet, but I know It is also priceless time with my newborn. And I need the rest!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thank you to Lake Charles Ward

Pardon me for using Wendy’s blog to share a few of personal thoughts, but I would be remiss if I didn’t. I am Wendy’s husband and for the past 2+ years, it has been an honor to serve as the Bishop of the Lake Charles Ward (church congregation). I was officially released three weeks ago due to our work relocation to Billings, Montana. The Ward consists of just over 600 people with roughly 220 people attending regularly. I don’t know who was more shocked, Wendy or myself when I was asked to serve in the capacity of Bishop. That is a very sacred and important calling and one which I have the utmost respect. 2+ years later and I have even a greater level of respect for the calling and all those who have served previously. Many people approached me over the past couple weeks asking if I was happy or relieved to be released. In all honesty, I was more saddened that glad. I don’t think there are words to express the gratitude and true respect for the Spirit and authority of the Priesthood that I came to see first hand. I am truly grateful for having not only had the opportunity to serve, but for the blessings that I witnessed first hand for me and my family due to the prayers of the many faithful members of the Lake Charles Ward. We moved here with ConocoPhillips back in Nov 2002 thinking it would only be 2-3 years and ended up being 6 years. Our lives have been forever changed and in more ways than one. We came here with 0 kids and will be leaving with five.

I commented in some of my remarks when I was released a couple Sunday’s ago that my testimony has grown ten fold these past two years. When former Bishop Baxter was released and I was called, the presiding officer (Stake President) asked everyone in the congregation to sustain me as their new bishop and not one person declined. Bishop Baxter is a kind hearted, mature and overall great man who humbly and quietly served as our Bishop and then there is me with big shoes to try to fill. Inspite of all my weaknesses and personal doubt that others may have had, they raised their hand to sustain me. That takes true faith and a strong testimony on their part and for that I am truly grateful. I promise that I could not have survived these past two years without that.

I didn’t want to take up too much space on Wendy’s blog, but wanted to reiterate a couple key learning’s that I gained during the past two years.

1. Everyone needs a Bishop. I always knew a Bishop was important, but recognized he has two able counselors. At times, I felt my counselors were better suited to visit a few members that were either sick or in need due to their prior relationship with family, but I quickly learned that although counselors are great, everyone needs their Bishop. That was a humbling and painful learning and one I will never forget. I apologize to anyone that I have let down in that regard. There are many wonderful and qualified men in the Ward who could serve as Bishop, but I can not think of a more kinder hearted person to step in than Bishop Aaron Young. With that said, please be mindful of he and his family’s time. I promise you that he will spend many a hour on bended knee praying to always say and do the right thing and that although he may not be able to attend to everyone that is sick or otherwise in need, he will give you 100% of his heart.

2. Callings are Inspired of the Lord. I have heard over the years from different people that they felt they were only given callings out of convenience and not because of prayer or inspiration I learned first hand that whether it be for the growth of the person being given the calling or for those he/she is to serve, callings are inspired. I had an experience once where “on paper” a certain individual should be released because they were frequently out of town and not able to serve. Consequently, I visited a different family and extended a calling for him to assume that position. Wendy had accompanied me that night, but didn’t know what the calling was. Afterwards, I called to let the other individual know that he was to be released and during that phone call and for the rest of the night, I couldn’t sleep and felt very unsettled. I shared that experience with my counselors the following day and really felt impressed that I should not have extended the change. I quickly “repented” and left that individual in that position and the following week his work schedule changed which allowed him to serve and he did a magnificent job. Then very shortly, the stake called and asked for the other person to serve in a different position. Callings are inspired and I am glad that I was in tune enough to listen to the Spirit.

3. The Relief Society and its Sisters are amazing. I have the utmost respect for the President of the Relief Society and the amount of compassion she and the rest of the sisters in general have for others. After being in a position that enabled me to see the “behind the scenes” events that take place on a daily basis, I am astonished. I look at our Primary leaders and Young Women leaders and watch the maturity that accompanies the young ladies that advance from those programs and then watch them as they enter the Relief Society and watch them serve even greater, get married in the Temple and start their eternal families.

4. Concept of “Defining Moments”. While serving as a full-time missionary, I was taught that if a missionary serves honorably, it is nearly impossible for he/she to ever go astray when they return home because they have spent numerous times on bended knees with their investigators/converts and been witness to divine revelation as the Spirit bore witness that the Gospel message is true. I must say that even though I only got to serve just over 2 years, I have personally had many of those “Defining Moments” where I witnessed the Spirit intervene. Whether it was in a counseling setting between quarreling couples, or young men debating whether to serve missions or dire welfare situations where there seemed no way out. I wish that whomever is to read this message, to know that I know that the restored gospel message of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and that one day we will get to see our Father in Heaven again and I thank you for that knowledge.

I would like to apologize to anyone I may have ever offended over the past couple years. I assure you it was not my intent and I hope you can forgive me for that. My only wish was to help you feel the love that your Savior has for you. Lastly, I also want whomever is still reading this entry to know how eternally grateful I am to my Heavenly Father to have allowed me to marry my beautiful wife Wendy. She is truly amazing to me and of all the blessings I have received in my life (which are many), she is the one that I will never as long as I live in this life be able to repay our Heavenly Father. She is the love of my life and the one I long to spend eternity with. Thank you for loving and sustaining me as your friend and Bishop and thank you most especially for taking in and loving my wife and kids. You will never know how comforting and reassuring it has been to look out each Sunday as each of my kids was being tended by a different family (young women) and know that you were taking care of them and my Wendy in spite of my absence at home. Neither I nor she could have done this without you. Thank you and take care.

Bret Josiah Jorgensen

Monday, September 29, 2008

Cookies ??

Most of the time I feel under apreciated as a mom but today I was reminded that someone does care.

conversation with Allie.

Allie: Mom are you making cookies?
Mom: yes
Allie: You make cookies for me? Oh, You make me so Happy, cookies are so good in my tummy.
Mom: Would you like to help me?
Allie: I'm so proud of you Mommy!!

Glad to be appreciated, even if it is in the eyes of a 3 year old.

Alligator in the House

So we pulled down the Halloween boxes today. I have few decorations, but some how have accumulated two tubs full of costumes. I think it stems from the big box my mom kept in her basement full of crazy outfits. She kept it out all year long and as teenagers we would frequently get into it and video skits or scare random neighbors. Crazy memories come from that box and I guess I am trying to start my own box.

As I pulled out the costumes Lindsay tried on every single one, both girls had a ball trying on the witches hats, and crazy wigs, but the best part was when Jace saw his Alligator costume from last year and refused to take it off. He was screaming and kicking 3 hours later when I took it off for his nap time. He was adorable up till then running around pretending like he was going to eat his sisters.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Cars, Cars, Cars

This is my Boy, Yes All boy He loves Cars, Trucks, Trains, Tractors and although his vocabulary is very small he already knows the difference between any motorized vehicle. He is also very keen about the house hold keys. He is familiar with which key goes to which car. When leaving the house he assures me if I have the right set of keys, When Dad is leaving He hands him the Jeep Keys. His Favorite!!

Presents!! Presents!!!

Lane NA

Alayna or as Jace pronounces it "Lane Na" came with the perfect prestent. converse tennis shoes. they matched hers perfectly of course. Alyana is one of my faithful babysitters. Very brave girl might I admit to take on the 4 children for a nighttime routine while Bret and I try to have a night out. When we come home from a date I always find Jace's clothes laid out for the next day. She has a crazy fetish for dressing him. Especially his sunday outfits. This new outfit Alayna picked out for the special day. What are we going to do without her when we move. Good babysitters are not easy to come by.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jace Is 2!!

We celebrated Jace's seccond Birthday on Saterday. The Cliffords and our friend and Babysitter Alyna came over, Jace loved his race car cake, so much that on sunday while we were all resting he uncoverd the leftovers from the tupperware I had it in and helped himself. He was coverd in icing and had alread tried to clean himself up with a rag before he came to find me. Yummm yummm Sugar!

Oh ya, Have you ever seen a 2 year old blow out candles. Adorable He did it all by himself, no help needed. My girls did not figure that one out until 3.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Back to Normal.

School starts again tomorrow. Yeah for Faith. She is so excited and so is mommy! As for the weekend, I can only count my blessings: 1) I am not living in Houston right now and 2) I am so grateful for A/C!!!!! IKE came and went. We received minimal rain but lots of wind; we could hear the wind howling on Friday night and lost power about 12:30 A.M. It was a dark night but we had candles and then Bret hooked up the generator in the morning so that we would have some electricity and could run the fridge. By about 10am, Bret thought I was going to pass out or go into labor, so he quickly setup a window A/C unit in the master bedroom and pleaded for me to lay down and rest. It was a lifesaver to say the least. I would make it a couple of hours in the kitchen and working around the house before I would need to make my way back to the bedroom. I had no idea the heat would affect me so badly. I think it is mostly due to the fact that I am 8 months pregnant. I just do not last long. The girls seemed resilient as they enjoyed the family time since Daddy didn't have to go to work. Luckily we received power back Saturday night. Bret later put his Church hat on and began making rounds and checking on members. Most of the members faired much much better than 3 years ago with Rita, but we did had a few of the members who’s homes flooded because of the tidal surge. We also had 14 Missionaries from the Texas area evacuate to Lake Charles and they ended up staying in the chapel for 2 nights. I think they are all church movied out as we had them over for dinner and they were quoting them left and right.

Sunday they finally lifted the curfew for Lake Charles and we had a 2 hour block for the members who could make it over for church. The missionaries began the meeting singing “Where can I turn for peace” very appropriate and very touching. I know life is back to normal for us but for so many others the trials have just begun. They will be in our thoughts and prayers. 2 hurricanes in 2 weeks are plenty!!! Let’s just make it another month and Hurricane season will be over.

Thursday, September 11, 2008



Yikes here comes IKE……. So we are waiting this one out. Bret said the Generator is working great and we have plenty of water. If Ike stays on it’s same course it should be no more than a lot of rain and wind for us, not exactly what I can say for Galveston and Houston Area. But if it turns any more to the right tonight we might be wishing we would have evacuated. I feel like our time in Lake Charles just needed some more Hurricane memories before our move to Montana. Wouldn’t want to forget what an adventure they can be!!!

McNeese Pre Game Show


C-O-W-B-O-Y-S Goooooo Cowboys!!!!!!!

MSU Football Game

Bret and I attended a McNeese football game about 6 years ago, We really enjoyed it and thought that we could make it a yearly tradition while here in Lake Charles. Well after the kids started comming lets just say that last weekend was our seccond game to attend. We owe this special ocasion to Faith, I signed her up for a Cowgirl kicker Camp over the summer where they learned the fight song, among some of the dances. They were promised to be able to perform at the first McNeese State Football game. Faith was so excited and said her favorite part was watching the football players as they Blasted thru the opening Gate.
We also had 3 more cheerleaders in the stands. Yes Allie, Lindsay and Jace all loved the screamming action. Allie and lindsay even got down on the Bleachers and were dancing to the Band. I was worried about Allie because after each touchdown they set off a cannon. Allie hates loud noises. (Fireworks are a whole different story) However she was smiling the whole time while holding her ears. I was suprised we made it thru half time. McNeese was ahead when we left and I was told latter that they won by a mile. The kids really enjoyed it and everyone around us had a little extra entertainment. If we were here longer we would most likely try it again...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Evacuation Vacation is over

Well we have successfully returned Home from our trip to Houston due to Hurricane Gustav. The kids had no Idea it was a mandatory Vacation. Better that way. We feel so blessed and reassured that so many here in the states were spared the damage and destruction that this Hurricane could have caused. For some it was not easy packing up and moving to safe ground only to realize the place they ended up was worse off than if they would have just stayed home. I guess that is what you deal with in the uncertainty of where the Hurricane is going to go.

The Johnson Family so kindly took us in. The kids could not have been happier. The Johnson's have kids around the same age and a big beautiful home; it was like going to a luxury hotel with the bonus of Toys, Toys and more Toys!! I was actually very surprised at how well the kids behaved. They seemed to all get along very well. The only downfall was that while packing up to leave I came down with a horrible stomach flu that I then passed on to Lindsay and then Allie. On the way to Church on Sunday Allie vomited in the car, what a mess. Bret was so graacius in cleaning it up so as I would not begin to hurl, we decided to let me go back home with Allie while Dad took the rest to Church. Bret was a real trooper in taking care of his sick family durring this whole ordeal.

Now we are home but school does not start until next Monday, Stores are still getting around to opening, and Bret Is checking on the members of the ward. He is also helping prepare groups to go over to Baton Rouge this weekend for clean up. They will probly send work crews over the next couple of weekends to the areas that are most hard hit. This will make Sunday attendance very small, as the members will be in Yellow Helping Hand T-shirts instead of White Shirts on Sunday. I know many friends that are looking forward to this type of Service. I think it is great too.Bret asked if I wanted to go (jokingly). What can a 7 month pregnant woman do with 4 toddlers?
I would love to join a work crew but maybe another time.

Thursday, August 28, 2008





Working Overtime!

Well our house is officially up on the Market we have a nice ERA Moffet Reality sign in the front yard. To me this means overtime. As if taking care of all the young ones was not a full time job I now consider myself on overtime. Wish I was getting paid. The realtor had suggested that I just make sure the house was presentable every time I left the house. HA, HA. I would never get out of the house. We showed it 3 times in the last 2 days and each time I had to buckle the kids in the car seats with the car running and then run back in the house to pick up all the last few toys, shoes, sippy cups ect. Not sure how long I can keep this up. My late nights that really are not that late have turned into moping, I am not a big fan of moping since most of my 2300 sq ft house is wood floors. I am exhausted when I finish.

We have also started to make our first plans for Hurricane Gustavo. It is hard to wish it falling landfall on anyone. We are just hoping for it to slow down in the gulf, and worst case we are out of Electricity for less than a day. I am reminded of the quote “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear” I am not typically a nervous person, so hopefully we can pass thru this next couple of weeks peacefully, since I hear there are 2 more Hurricanes behind Gustavo. Where ever we are??

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Prien Lake Elementry

Faiths 1st Day of Kindergarten has finally arrived. I say finally because she has anxiously been waiting for this day since pre-kindergarten was let out in May. We set out her new uniform the night before and I thought she wouldn’t be able to sleep with excitement. But come 6:45 I had to wake her up because I was so excited! Some talk of the blues of sending your baby off to the first day of school. Maybe they will hit me next week?

I guess it eases my worries to know that Faith is a very outgoing little girl who loves to succeed. When we went to meet and greet she had already memorized the name tags of the kids whose back packs hung next to hers. She really has a hunger for learning. In the past she has loved and admired her teachers and has a desire to please them. I think she’ll do Great!!

1st Day of Kindergarten

In keeping the tradition alive, I remembered that on the 1st day of school my mom always had a warm batch of cookies waiting for me when I came home. So I pulled out Moms Famous Choclate Chip cookie recipe around 1pm so they would be waiting for her when she came home. We then began to chat about her day. She sang me a new indian song she learned, told me about all the rules, especially the one about needing to raise her had to talk, because if everyone talked at once all the teacher would hear would be bla...bla...blaa. She told me how she saw two friends, Kenya from Church and Noah from her pre-Kindergarten class. She cannot wait to go back again!